view of a gutter on the side of a house

Gutter Services

Most homeowners don’t spend a lot of time thinking about their gutters. Understanding their importance, though, can prevent costly gutter repair or gutter replacement bills in the future.

The best gutters funnel water off the roof and away from your home, which protects your siding, windows, doors, and foundation from water damage. That sounds important, but many homeowners don’t realize how much damage can occur when their gutters are clogged, leaking, and broken.

When gutters aren’t functioning properly, rainwater runs off the roof of the house and collects on the ground near the foundation. Heavy rains can result in standing pools of water, which can cause a multitude of problems. Hixon specializes in new gutters, gutter repair, and gutter replacement.

Gutters Protect Your Home

Even a little bit of water can cause extensive – and expensive – damage to your home. A quality gutter install protects your home from:

    • Home and basement flooding.
    • Cracked or damaged foundation.
    • Infestations: Mosquitos and other insects breed in standing water.
    • Mold: Overflowing gutters create an environment for mold to flourish in crawlspaces and basements.
    • Erosion: Topsoil protects the foundation of your home. If water is not correctly diverted away from your home, the topsoil will erode and leave your foundation vulnerable.
    • Straining to the exterior of your home.
    • Paint damage.
    • Rotting and/or rusting of exterior building material.
    • Damage to landscaping: Fungi can damage or kill your flowers and scrubs.
view of a gutter and drain on the side of a house
man on ladder cleaning house gutter from leaves and dirt

Gutter Maintenance

Even the best gutters should be cleaned at least twice a year. Have your gutters checked to be sure they aren’t pulling away from your house. Make sure your downspouts are clear and not blocked by leaves. The water from gutters, downspouts and around the house should flow away from your home.

Many homeowners prefer to clean their own gutters, while others hire a gutter expert to do the cleaning. The cost of hiring a professional is small compared to the money you will spend on repairs to your home if your gutters aren’t functioning properly.

If you are cleaning the gutters yourself, make sure to check for the following and repair/replace these problem areas immediately:

    • Rusted spots
    • Dents and holes
    • Broken gutter hangers
    • Disconnected joints

Seamless Gutter Installation

If you are considering new gutters, give Hixon a call to discuss our seamless gutter installation process, which includes many benefits such as:

Less Maintenance: Gutters with joints are usually prone to debris accumulation. Twigs, leaves and other such things accumulate in the gutters and can clog them. Birds and other pests often make their way into gutters. Weeds also can work their way into walls and adjoining structures. Seamless gutters are more firmly fixed, meaning there is less chance of clogging and debris accumulation. Seamless gutters require much less cleaning and maintenance compared to traditional new gutters.

No Leakage: Seamless gutters have fasteners and joints only at the corners and downspouts. This streamlined construction minimizes leaks and requires much less maintenance. Joints and seals that can erode or gather debris, so seamless gutters offer far better protection for your property.

Wide Variety: Seamless gutters are available in a wide variety of colors to best match your property’s exterior. Seamless gutters also come with a baked-on enamel finish, which never requires painting.

Made to Measure: Seamless gutters are made to measure. They fit your property perfectly. It also requires professional gutter install to ensure that the gutters serve you through years and offer the best possible protection to your structure.

Better Rate of Return: You might have to spend a larger amount on seamless gutters initially, but with low maintenance and gutter repair costs, they offer a much higher return and pay for themselves in less time.

Aesthetics: Seamless gutters look much better than sectional gutters with all the joints and fasteners. They protect the aesthetics of your home.

view of a gutter guard system on a residential house
man on ladder cleaning house gutter from leaves and dirt

Gutter Guard Installation

As homeowners, we all need to do things that help maintain our properties and prevent damage that can occur over time. Cleaning your gutters is one of those tasks that many of us dread or can’t physically do. Give Hixon a call to discuss LeafBlaster Gutter Guards and give “climbing the ladder” a whole new meaning in home maintenance.